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October 11, 2023 Reorganizational Meeting Minutes

Meeting of the 52nd Assembly District Committee

October 11, 2023—7:00 PM
Via Zoom

The meeting of the Assembly District Committee (ADC) was called to order by State Committee Members (District Leaders) Aaron Ouyang and Lydia Bella Green of the 52nd Assembly District.

1. Attendance and Quorum

  • At the start of the meeting there were 54 people in attendance and 56 proxies, totaling 110. A quorum of one third of the total ADC is needed to officially vote. The attendance exceeded the 88 needed for a quorum. More members of the ADC were admitted to the Zoom as the meeting progressed with attendance tracked via Google Sheets.

2. Explanation of Procedure

  • District Leader Lydia Bella Green asked all attendees to be on mute when not speaking and to be respectful of one another with failure to comply would result in removal.
  • District Leader Aaron Ouyang explained that the state committee members were there to convene the meeting.
  • District Leader Aaron Ouyang explained that the main parts of the meeting as adoption of the rules and the election of officers.

3. Adoption of the Rules

  • Todd Francis said he was never provided a copy of the rules prior to the meeting. Aaron Ouyang said that members could request a copy of the rules by sending an email to an email address provided in the meeting notice sent via mail and that a copy was provided in the email copy of the meeting notice. Other members said in the Zoom chat that they received copies of the rules.
  • Todd Francis asked for all members’ contact information be shared with the other members. Aaron Ouyang deferred to the incoming leadership to decide.
  • Aaron Ouyang made a motion to adopt the rules of the ADC constituted from 2020-2022 as the rules for the current ADC. The second was made by Jason Shelly. The motion was adopted viva voce.

4. Election of Temporary Officers

  • Aaron Ouyang thanked the organizing committee of Seamus Campbell, Victoria Eastus, Malynda Rascoe, Steven Olswang, Megan McQuillan, Ilyssa Meyer, and Theresa Mayer for their work.
  • Aaron Ouyang explained that tradition is to have the previous ADC Chair serve as Chair for the meeting and nominated Malynda Rascoe to serve as Chair and Megan McQuillan to serve as Secretary for the meeting. Nomination was seconded by Ilyssa Meyer. Malynda Rascoe and Megan McQuillan were elected viva voce.

5. Nomination of Officer Candidates

  • Malynda Rascoe explained that people were encouraged to apply to run for one of the officer positions via a Google Form and that the open positions were Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, Sergeant-at-Arms, and Parliamentarian. During the meeting, people could nominate themselves or others for positions, and in the situation where two or more people were vying for the same position, there would be an election, otherwise, the candidates would be considered elected by acclimation.
  • Malynda Rascoe announced that Seamus Campbell had applied to be Chairperson. Quanda Francis nominated Todd Francis for Chairperson. Todd Francis accepted the nomination.
  • Malynda Rascoe announced that Ilyssa Meyer had applied to be Vice Chairperson. No other nominations were made.
  • Malynda Rascoe announced that Louis DiMeglio had applied to be Secretary. No other nominations were made.
  • Malynda Rascoe announced that Victoria Eastus had applied to be Treasurer. No other nominations were made.
  • Malynda Rascoe announced that Steven Olswang had applied to be Sergeant-at-Arms. Jared Rich nominated himself for Sergeant-at-Arms.
  • Malynda Rascoe announced that Rachel Eve Stein had applied to be Parliamentarian.

6. Speeches and Questions and Answers of Candidates

  • Each candidate running unopposed was given an opportunity to speak to the body and answer questions.
  • Candidates for Chairperson, Seamus Campbell and Todd Francis spoke to the body and answered questions from other members. Each was given an opportunity to ask the other a question. Seamus Campbell yielded to Howard Graubard who, in turn, chose to not ask a question; while Todd Francis chose to not ask a question and, instead, chose to give a speech, for which he was muted by the Chair.
  • Candidates for Sergeant-at-Arms, Steven Olswang and Jared Rich, spoke to the body and answered questions from other members.

7. Elections

  • Elections were held via Zoom poll with those holding proxies being told to send their vote allocation to the Chair via private message.
  • During the elections, information about volunteering for Justin Brannan’s campaign for City Council and Hon. Caroline Piela Cohen’s campaign for Kings County Supreme Court was shared with members.
  • Assemblymember Jo Anne Simon gave a report of her work, highlighting the weekend closure of the Brooklyn-Queens Expressway and literacy.
  • Chair Malynda Rascoe announced that Seamus Campbell was elected Chairperson by a vote of 102 to 5.
  • Chair Malynda Rascoe announced that Steven Olswang was elected Sergeant-at-Arms by a vote of 92 to 10.

8. Announcements

  • Malynda Rascoe had election winners pose for screenshot photos.
  • Seamus Campbell told members he would send out a survey regarding communications preferences and committees members would like to serve on and/or have established.

9. Adjournment

  • A Motion to adjourn was made by Hal Friedman and seconded by Victoria Eastus. Motion passed viva voce.


* Denotes attendance via proxy

Election DistrictMember Name
1Arthur Levy
2Aruna Hekinian*
3Bryony Romer
5Helen Covington*
7Michael Crane
9Sabrina Gates
10Joan Millman*
10Helen Pearlstein*
10Joseph Colletti
11Joel Tse
14Seamus Campbell
14Jason Shelly
15Eugene Krinsky*
15Toba Potosky*
16Steven Brounstein
17Martin Connor*
17Martin Connor Jr.*
17Talene Nargozian*
17Christine Silber*
18Jonathan Kopp*
18David Weiss*
20Elizabeth Davis*
21Rosalind Herz*
22Wendy Jones*
22Mary Sullivan
23Samantha Shiells*
24Quanda Francis
24Todd Francis
25Jessica Thurston*
25Alex Rindler
26Jeffrey Douglas*
26Linda Douglas*
27Leo Mcmahon*
27Thomas Mcmahon*
29Julie Liza Schaul
30Aileen Doherty
31Doreen Hazel
32Amy Breedlove
32Dana Harris
33Daniel Giancola
34Seth Pollack*
34Megan Mcquillan
35Akshay Arora
35Steven Olswang
37Julia Elmaleh-Sachs
37Karen Johnson
38David Bloomfield*
38Victoria Vossen*
39Leonard Jordan*
40Marcia Patmos
41Carey Johnson
41Jo Anne Simon
42Malynda Rascoe
43Marisa Biaggi*
46Alvin Blyer*
46Linda Blyer*
47Edward Janger*
47Victoria Eastus
47Joy Foster
47Gia Giasullo
48Thomas Rozboril*
49Nicholas Raskin
49Beth Slade
50Louis Di Meglio
53Isaac Butler*
53Adam Neuman
53Aaron Ouyang
54Sabina Tyrk*
54Stephen Wagner*
54Howard Graubard
59John Krevitt*
59Howard Zimmerman*
60Dawn Kikel*
60Teresa Mayer
60Nelson Pecora
61Martha Bordman
61William Orme
61Diana Rodin
62Aaron Miller*
62Elizabeth Stevenson
63John Brown*
64Jared Rich
64Christina Sulpizio
65Claire Klarewicz-Okser*
65Lewis Okser*
65Andrea Robinson
66Jeremy Lewis
66Susannah Pasquantonio
67Hal Friedman
68Laurie Rabin*
68Lydia Green
69Lisa Fane*
69Margaret Lally*
73Lyn Hill*
74Kenneth Baer
74Hannah Fagin
75Sari Kisilevsky
75Brenna McDuffie
76Denise Marbury*
76Ilyssa Meyer
76Maren Stange
77Matthew Baer*
77Henry Flax*
78Gilbert Veconi*
78Patricia Veconi*
80Susan Cohen*
80Cheryl Cook*
80Rosa Del Cuadro*
80Allen Zimmerman*
81Andrew Birsh
82Greyson Brooks
82Ryan Delorge
83Samantha Cohen*
83Lawrence Gulotta
85Janet Cohen*
85William Covington*
85Jane Feder

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